
Country Cupboard Natural Foods
122 E 4th St
Russellville, AR 72801

M-F 9-530pm

Sat 9-4pm

a woman wearing a mask, meditating in a sunny park

Mindful Living During the Pandemic

Lisa Langer, PhD
This content originally appeared on 

COVID-19 has brought change to all of our lives. Some of these changes can threaten our sense of balance on any given day. Fortunately, many mental health experts are offering helpful tips for how to access inner peace during the pandemic.

Tips for Mindful Living During COVID-19

Clinical psychologist and author Lisa Langer, PhD, shares her tried-and-true tips here.

  • Stay Balanced and Grounded through Self-Care

    • Remember you're not alone if you're worried or anxious.
    • Natural to feel this way with everything happening in the world.
    • Self-care every day must be a top priority.
    • Do at least one thing for yourself even if you're taking care of young children.
    • Go for a walk.
    • Enjoy a cup of coffee or herbal tea.
    • Take a long shower or bath.
    • Schedule self-care into your day.
  • Tune Into Your Breath and Body Regularly

    • Simply bring your attention to your breath.
    • Notice each inhale and each exhale.
    • At the same time feel both feet grounded to the earth
    • Your breath becomes an anchor in the body to the present moment.
    • Bringing our attention to the present helps relax the body and mind and lessen any worried or anxious thoughts you have.
  • Express Your Feelings to Close Friends and Family

    • Worries or anxious thoughts can seem more difficult if we keep them inside.
    • It helps to talk to people we care for and trust.
    • Also, helps to share and express your feelings.
    • Make connection a priority for your mental health several times a week and you'll feel less alone.
  • Consider Limiting Time with Social Media and The News

    • You've probably heard this before but make some positive choices for yourself about how much time you look at Facebook and Instagram as well as time watching the news.
    • Media can increase your reactivity and worried thoughts.
    • If you choose to look at media, consider spending most time on positive sites.
  • Mindfully Meditate, Either Formally or Informally

    • Terrific meditation apps (Headspace, Calm for example) that lead you in simple short formal meditations.
    • Try a 5 or 10-minute meditation to ground your body and settle your mind.
    • Bring more awareness to everything you're doing for example, make changing a diaper or playing with your child a mediation by bringing your full attention to the activity.
    • Know that worries and challenging thoughts will always come into your mind but you can choose to simply notice the thoughts and let them pass. This takes practice but you can do it!